4 Ways to Build a Company Culture that Thrives

April 11th, 2017

There’s one thing that infiltrates every part of your business. Your people. Whether you are a solopreneur or have a staff of thousands, humans impact your sales, your service, your profits, your success. Since your people impact your business in so many ways, it’s a great idea to be thoughtful about ways to build a
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Put the Power of Words to Work for your Business

March 5th, 2017

“Be the change you wish to see in the world.” – Mahatma Gandhi Long before the 2016 election soured everyone on social media, I embraced the power of words and decided I was going to make my personal Facebook page a channel of positivity. It was one little step in being the change I wished
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Never Say Never: Teriva Solutions Expands Services

March 4th, 2017

When I started my freelance content marketing business in 2009, I intentionally named it Teriva Solutions, so that it would accommodate not only content, but a broader scope of solutions for my clients one day. I always envisioned that I would expand beyond writing and editing, but since I didn’t quite know what that was,
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5 Ways to Be a Great Leader

February 5th, 2017

“Those that help plan the battle, don’t battle the plan.” Although Google couldn’t tell me who to attribute this gem to, it remains one of the most powerful lessons I’ve learned about leadership. Like many of you, I fell into management because there was a void to fill when someone left the organization (by choice
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Increase Productivity with Self-imposed Deadlines

January 9th, 2017

Let’s face it. We’re all procrastinators to some degree or another. Some just hide it better. But when faced with a deadline, say getting ready for a vacation or company to come, we’re all about our checklists. And, when you look back, you marvel at all that you got done. However, without the pressure of
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